HafenCity Lectures

Testing University

Foyer, HafenCity Universität
Überseeallee 16, 20457 Hamburg

Testing University

The university as institution establishes both: the actual place, building, function and the site of certain ideas, meanings and processes. Thus, the university constitutes its form and its content, it gives (and is given) spaces, norms, values, hierarchies, organization, language, tools, procedures and methods of dealing with things. In various ways and dimensions, the university produces relations: with and between its members, its environment, and the city, with international academia, and local and global society at large.

As the university is closely connected to our social, political, and aesthetic imagination, Testing University invites interdisciplinary guests to discuss its current state, the trajectories of its architectural and institutional transformations; ultimately the university’s possible futures in regards to the social, political and economic challenges we are facing.

This iteration of the HafenCity Lectures is a joint effort of the study programs Architecture, Urban Design, and Metropolitan Culture and is accompanied by an interdisciplinary seminar where students prepare the material and discursive space for each lecture and moderate the discussion in relation to our own university and our everyday experiences with the building and the institution, with learning and teaching. The guests include among others Beatriz Colomina, Nina Gribat, Tilman Reitz, Irit Rogoff, Simon Sheikh and Franciska Zólyom.

The event is supported by HafenCity Hamburg GmbH.

Critique of the University in Contemporary Capitalism
Tilman Reitz & Simon Sheikh

Tilman Reitz
Department of Sociology, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Simon Sheikh
Department of Art, Goldsmiths, University of London

The University in Relation to its Location
Janine Schiller & Ellen Blumenstein

Janine Schiller
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Ellen Blumenstein
Kunst und Kultur in der HafenCity e.V.

Alternative Schools 1
Ahmet Öğüt & Nina Fräser & Eva Kuschinski

Ahmet Öğüt
Artist and initiator of Silent University, Berlin

Nina Fräser & Eva Kuschinski
History and Theory of the City, HCU Hamburg

Alternative Schools 2
Beatriz Colomina, Anna-Maria Meister & Nina Gribat

Beatriz Colomina
Professor of History and Theory of Architecture, Princeton University

Anna-Maria Meister
Architecture historian, TU München

Nina Gribat
Professor of "Entwerfen und Städtebau", TU Darmstadt

Critical Knowledge Production
Franciska Zólyom & Irit Rogoff

Franciska Zólyom
Director and curator, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig

Irit Rogoff
Professor of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths, University of London